Thursday, October 26th

Public Health Agency of Canada: National surveillance of arthritis in Canada: Results from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System 

Arthritis Consumer-Patient Organizations and Groups Coalition Workshop: Patient Experiences and Perspectives of Inflammatory Arthritis Models of Care: Gaps, Solutions and Pushing for Implementation

AAC Research Workshop/Session: Building an Economic Business Case for Models of Care for Patients with Inflammatory Arthritis (IA) –includes slides from Expert 

Friday, October 27th

 AAC Joint Arthritis Models of Care (IA/OA) Workshop: Quality Improvement – Using the Model for Improvement to Implement IA and OA Models of Care

AAC Inflammatory Arthritis (IA) Models of Care Workshop for Early Career Rheumatologists: Setting up a Model of Care in Practice at the Start of Your Career 

The Arthritis Alliance of Canada ceased its operations at the end of December 2019. This website will be kept live as an archive of all AAC reports, publications and tools until end of February 2025; however, its content won’t be updated.

If you wish to contact any of the AAC member organizations, please visit the membership page to connect with the member organization of your interest.