The Alliance Models of Care (MOC) Measurement Framework has been initiated to define system-level performance measures for IA care in Canada that will serve as a toolkit for healthcare decision-makers (administrators, clinicians, managers and policy makers) to evaluate health systems and inform health system changes with the goal of developing safe, cost-effective, efficient high quality care for patients with IA.

Project Leaders:

  • Dr. Claire Barber, Rheumatologist, University of Calgary
  • Dr. Diane Lacaille, Associate Professor Rheumatology, University of British Columbia, British Columbia
  • Dr. Deborah Marshall, Canadian Research Chair in Health Systems and Services Research, University of Calgary
  • Dr. Dianne Mosher, Chief, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary

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The Arthritis Alliance of Canada (AAC) is focused on using a comprehensive approach to develop pan-Canadian models of care (MOC) for inflammatory arthritis (IA) and recently launched a document describing the pan-Canadian Approach to Inflammatory Arthritis Models of Care and Toolkit available here

Furthermore, the AAC is developing a performance measurement framework to evaluate IA MOCs. These measures are critical to assist health care decision makers, identify and prioritize areas for improvement; benchmarking, strategy planning, system changes and measuring outcomes to determine if goals and objectives have been achieved.

“Development of System-level Performance Measures for Evaluation of Inflammatory Arthritis Models of Care”, describes the candidate performance measures, the approach and methods of their evaluation and available here:



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